Millions of people log into Facebook every day. We upload details of our lives to it, share photos, use it to connect with friends, colleagues, loved ones and even run our businesses on it. For many, it has become one of those things that you feel you cannot live without.
Imagine then trying to log in one day and being told your account was disabled. Facebook can actually lock or disable your account at any given moment. Then may restrict you while you are logged in, or may prevent you from logging in at all.
There are a number of reasons as to why they do this and as long as you know why, in most cases, the way to resolve it is relatively simple, albeit frustrating.
You may have tried to access Facebook account one morning, and been confronted with a message that your account has been disabled, or locked for security reasons. This would definitely come as a shock and without any reason given you will feel helpless.
Let’s go through some of the possible reasons as to you’re your Facebook account was locked or disabled.
There are a number of reasons that could explain a blocked or disabled Facebook account, and these reasons can fall under three main categories: site maintenance, disregard for the Terms of Use and Community Standards, user or system error, or security. Before reaching out to Facebook directly, it is important that you identify and understand the possible reasons for your locked account so that your concerns can be adequately addressed by the Facebook team.
Common Malware Concerns
Be aware that if you click on something on Facebook that is a hoax or scam, it may cause your account to be locked.
You may have been tricked into clicking on something on Facebook that leads you offsite. Here are three common scams:
- Facebook Profile Viewer: Claiming you can see who is viewing your profile
- Promising to Fix: A message convincing you to install something to help you fix a problem that does not even exist.
- Videos: Random messages that say “View this video! Omg! I can’t believe she did this!“, Or “is this you? Did you know this picture of you is on this site?“.
These are very common problems, and it is one of the ways that hackers and phishers gain access to and steal your account.
Also, If one of your friends accidentally reported some of your content as either abusive or marked it as spam spam, Facebook will automatically flag your account while it investigates the reported content. It is also possible that another user has reported your account as fake and requested that your account be removed.
Facebook disables accounts that don’t follow the Facebook Terms of Use and Community Standards. Some examples include: posting content that doesn’t follow the Facebook Terms of Use, using a fake name or not using your full real name, creating two accounts, impersonating someone, and continuing behavior that has violated the Community Standards.
Read Facebook’s Terms and Community Standards carefully to avoid any accidental issue.
If you believe that your account has been disabled by mistake, you may appeal Facebook’s decision by completing an online form. Once submitted, Facebook will investigate the issue. Keep in mind that requests are not guaranteed within a certain time span — you may find yourself waiting for several weeks before receiving a response.
Facebook takes its security measures very seriously, so if an account appears to pose any sort of security threat, the system will automatically flag it for review, therefore disabling user access. Other reasons can include any of the following cases: creation of an account under a false identity, promoting illegal content, unsolicited contact, harassment of other users, inappropriate or spam advertising, or general suspicious activity.
Why You Should Read The Terms And Conditions
In many cases, your Facebook account will be locked or disabled because you have violated one of the terms and conditions that you agreed to when you joined up.
Did you actually read them before you simply ticked the “Agree” box? Many people don’t because they are long, wordy and full of terms that are hard to understand.
How Can You Reactivate Your Locked Facebook Account
If you’re locked out of your account, you may have the option to reset your login info by one of two methods:
- Answering Your Security Question: Simply follow the prompts and answer questions to prove you are who you say you are.
- Getting Help From Friends: Select a friend on Facebook who you trust, and provide them with the nominated URL which they need to visit to retrieve a security code. Once you have that code, you need to enter it where prompted.
Regardless of the method you choose, be aware that after you complete one of the security checks, there is a 24 hour waiting period (at minimum) before any changes in your account or page status will be seen. During this time, your account is still visible on Facebook, but you won’t be able to access it.
More Facebook Related Help
- Why Was My Facebook Page Deleted?
Have you or someone you know had their Facebook Page deleted? Whether you have only 1 like or tens of thousands, unless you abide by Facebook’s terms and conditions it can be deleted without warning. - Why Does Facebook Keep Logging Me Out?
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Millions of people log into Facebook everyday around the world. We chat, we conduct business and we share information. There are times when we cannot login. Here are common causes and easy solutions
How to Avoid Your Account Being Locked or Disabled
Sometimes your account is locked without warning and as the hands of another unauthorized party however where you do have control there are a few measures that you can take so that you do not have your account locked or disabled again:
- Take time to build up a network of page fans, likes, and friends. You can always join in Facebook ladders too. But remember to focus on quality, not quantity.
- Limit friend requests and also the number of posts that you make in a short period.
- Adhere to the terms and conditions.
- Don’t put all your eggs in one basket: if you are using Facebook for business marketing, include it in your strategy but consider using other social networking sites such as LinkedIn, Google Plus, and Twitter, and building a following on them also.
Why Building an Email List is Important?
According to the Direct Marketing Association, email marketing on average sees a 4300 percent return on investment (ROI) for businesses in the USA.
Because email subscribers joined your email list from your website and verified their identity by clicking on a link (double-opt in), they are extremely interested in what you have to offer. This is why they are more likely to convert into paying customers.
In our business, email list gets 10 times higher conversions than social media campaigns.
This makes sense if you think about the reasons that make email an incredibly powerful communication channel:

1. Email is Personal
Email allows you to land into a user’s inbox. There is no ranking system limiting your reach. It is very direct and personal.
2. Email is Purposeful
To get updates from you, a user fills out a form to signup for your email list and confirm their email address. Someone doing this much work is obviously interested in hearing from you, and they are much more receptive to your message.
3. Email is Targeted
As we mentioned earlier, the user has already shown interest in your product or content. Since you already know what they like, you can deliver them highly relevant offers to get better results. This is called segmentation, and we will cover that later in the article.
4. You Own Your Email List
You do not own Facebook, Twitter, or Google. Your social media campaigns and SEO efforts can go to waste when these platforms change their policies. On the other hand, you own your email list, and it is not influenced by decisions of other businesses.
5. Email is One-on-One
People read email in the privacy of their inbox. The message is not on a public timeline or newsfeed. They can ask you questions directly in private with confidence. This helps build trust and connection.
6. More People Use Email Several Times a Day
You may have heard that Facebook has 1.4 billion and Twitter has 100 million daily active users. What you have may not have heard, is the number of people using Email every day.
Every internet user has at least one email account. A recent research conducted by Radicati found out that there 3.8 billion active email accounts. That’s half the population of Earth.
This is precisely why every smart business in the world has an email list.