My Journey that led me to create “The Front Row Academy”

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In Mid 2015 within a month I had lost my Hotel and my business. Just like that!

My name is Suzy and I was born and brought up in Kenya. This is my recent story of how my life changed and then changed again to something I never dreamed possible.

The elements that dictate our destiny played its hand and the World’s newest country decided that It would go back to War and the outgoing President of the World’s strongest Superpower pulled back so as to have “nothing happen on his watch”.

It was as simple as that!

Whilst I waited for the storm to blow over, it didn’t and I waited and waited and continued to wait. With that I depleted my savings and started looking for other work. In this very insecure world, being a middle aged person, I could not find anything. So I started selling bits of furniture to subsidize my income, then my cars and finally I ran out of things to sell. My life was crumbling and imploding in on me. I was totally powerless.

I had been a part of an MLM and although I absolutely loved the business model, I had no clue of how to make a “stay at home” business work but all over the internet I was witness to these incredible story’s similar to mine and that gave me the strength & courage to carry on.  It was during this very dark time in June 2016 that I received a message. It was as clear to me as if it had been written on a school blackboard just for me to read.

Three things happened – The first one was I connected with someone on the other side of the world and she introduced me to a new way of delivering and developing an Online business. Although I had not a penny to rub together I signed up.

After I had signed up I heard about their yearly event and I put a deposit down to attend. A week later I asked for it back and they sent an email back saying that there was a NO RETURN policy! I was committed or I would lose the money that I had spent.

Then the third final thing was I was walking very early in the morning and I was listening to a couple of Podcasts one of which talked of a guy who hitchhiked to the event with no money, he slept on the side of the street but he was determined to get to that event. The other thing was as Lady who was just a year into this opportunity and it was as if she was speaking directly to me telling me that in order to change my life I absolutely had to get to that event as it had totally changed her life.

With a month to organize I asked my travel agent if I could pay for the ticket when I got back, they agreed. I booked an Airbnb that was far away but it was all I could afford and I left with $400 for an international journey across the other side of the world.

I did not know anyone and I arrived the morning of registration about an hour early. I was the first in the queue. A couple of Ladies then turned up and we struck up a conversation. It turned out that they were from Denmark and this was their first event too. We were the first there, the first to register and we bonded instantly. The room very quickly began to fill and I then was asked by this complete stranger if she could interview me. I was in complete shock but again we absolutely connected and an instant friendship was created. The ladies in the front of the queue was Mouni Azem and her sister Fatina and the lady that interviewed me as Roxanne Lynch. Coincidentally we all sat in the Front Row!

We had the event and we all really got on so well together that we stayed in touch. The year continued and I was back in Kenya still trying to make ends meet and it was in January that I decided that I needed to take action. I contacted Mouni and told her of my plan and she absolutely was in from the start. I then wanted Roxy on board too as her spirit and her way of embracing her business just flowed with what I wanted to produce. Together we chatted and started off small doing a boot camp. It was so successful that we decided to make it more permanent and we formed the FRONT ROW ACADEMY.

We have formed an Online Social Media Academy that is really easy to understand, simple to use and affordable for everyone. It gives people the opportunity to learn the elements that we need to leverage our businesses with the backup support from 3 Ladies who’s ethos is to be of service and give incredible value.

Join us and take a look at “The Front Row Academy” and we would be happy to chat to see how we can help you!
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