Attitude is the little thing that makes a Big Difference

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“Attitude is the little thing that makes a Big Difference” – Winston Churchill

This month my social media has been focusing on “Attitude”

The real definition of “Attitude” is the way you feel about something or someone, or a particular feeling or opinion.

Attitude can often affect behaviour and can affect learning performance and communication. With positive mind, the perception we create about life will influence how you see it and eventually the outcome.

A Positive mindset and thinking creates a huge impact on us and goes a long way to improve your individuality.

Problem is that we want to be liked by everyone and we want to please everyone. The truth is, we can’t. The truth is also is that we fortunately don’t need to. Let me explain below:

We have all heard the quote “ Your vibe attracts your tribe” right? There is a reason for that. A negative attitude will attract negative people and a positive attitude with definitely attract a positive audience.

4 simple yet fast results driven strategys to improve our attitudes are:

1) Improve your mental attitude –
Jim Rohn always said “thoughts become things” – our thoughts will determine everything in our lives from the moment we wake in the morning to the last thing at night. When we do experience and encounter blips or storms in our life, we must believe that there is a bright sky ahead. We find hope, unforeseen strength and incredible courage in these trying times. A right thought pattern does not allow all the negatives to dominate the mind and control the outcome. Therefore we are able to think better, decide rationally and choose what is right.

2) Enhanced and better managed emotions –
If someone says something that puts you into a dark space that attracts all the negative thoughts that we all dwell on to justify us feeling like the victim and then you put some music that you love on, that small tweak in managing your emotions will switch us into feeling light and blissful. Switching your mindset is critical to improving your thoughts and others about you too.

3) Admirable behavior
We love to hang around people who have a great character and we tend to shun those who show less desirable behaviour. Most people who show a likeable behaviour will attract more friends and acquaintances. There is a reason for this and we call it the “know, like and trust” factor. When we treat people the way we would like to get treated then it will come back to you tenfold.

4) Get a Life Coach-
I cannot stress this enough as we all need guidance to show us the path that we enable us to get to have a positive attitude that shine so bright that people are wondering what it is that you are doing.

If you want to be happy and stay happy throughout your life, changing your outlook in life is a remarkable thing to do. Then again, it is not a radical change but a gradual process. Bear in mind that positive thinking can transform our personality if we choose to.
The impact of positive thinking from one aspect of our personality to another is like a domino effect. And the impression it creates on other people is something you would like to continue doing.
Your life changes when you choose to change your attitude!

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